Managing Asthma During the Winter: Tips for Staying Healthy
Many allergies can be difficult to maintain and asthma is no exception. So how do you keep asthma under control, especially during the colder months of the year? There are a few simple steps you can take to keep healthy, manage your asthma, and remain active in your community.
1. Medication
One thing you can do to keep your asthma at bay is to make sure to keep your medication up to date and follow up with your specialist to see if your medication should be reviewed and possibly changed. In some cases, the medication you have been using may not be as effective.
2. Vaccinations
Another way to keep healthy is to maintain your vaccinations. Germs can be especially dangerous for people with asthma and other allergies. Make sure to wash your hands, stay away from people who are sick, and protect yourself by maintaining safe distances from people. Be mindful of your surroundings and where you are going to be.
3. Limit Stress
Stress can trigger or exacerbate symptoms such as asthma and other allergies. Remaining calm and being aware of getting overwhelmed can help ward off the effects of stress. Using approaches such as listening to music, engaging in activities or hobbies, and meditating can help with focusing and not allowing stress to overshadow your life.
4. Cleaning your house
Keeping your home clean is another positive step towards a healthy lifestyle. Mold, dust mites, and dirt can collect in your home, even in the winter months, and ensuring that your home is clean will help reduce the reaction you may have. There are professional cleaners who can help with this as well as cleaning systems and solutions that are available. You may need to either hire a company that can clean your home or have a friend/family member who is able to do this for you so that you are not exposed to anything hazardous.
5. Physical activity
Another important aspect of remaining healthy during the winter months, in particular, is to stay active. While for many going outside in the cold is not a great option, there are many indoor activities that you can do that will provide as much exercise and be effective. If you do go outside you may need to use medication before you exercise and wear a scarf or mask around your mouth. Always consult with your doctor.
Having asthma and allergies can feel and seem limiting. But it does not necessarily need to be that way and working closely with your doctor and adhering to a healthy lifestyle can provide you with the ability to remain active and engaged with others.